
Our ethos is Education. Facilitation. Partnership with higher education stakeholders. Working together with our partners we have seamless objectives to support the stakeholders in improving their research output and increasing their visibility.


Supporting the Research Lifecyle of Higher Education Stakeholders through:

1.Better understanding and best practice on open science and open access.

2.Improving research output and visibility of academic community.    (more…)

Proposal Writing

  • Introduction
  • Module Objectives
  • Why a research proposal?
  • What is the reader looking for in your proposal?
  • Developing the Structure of a research proposal (more…)

E-Resources for Research Literature Searching: How to assess credibility of Web Content

  • Data Collection tools
  • Survey Monkey
  • Google forms

Enhancing researchers online visibility

Science communication and Communicating to Non Scientist

Concepts in Science Communication

  • To prepare an oral presentation for different audiences, how to effectively deliver it
  • Using Web 2.0 Tools for communicating research
  • Communicating to Policy Makers
  • Communicating with the press


Oral communication and presentation course entails;

  • Preparation and planning
  • Steps in developing a talk
  • Medium/Tools for giving a talk
  • Theory and practice of poster design


    1. The mind of a donor
    2. The research proposal
    3. The grants proposal
    4. The proposal and funding process
    5. Typical structure of a proposal
    6. Stages of developing a proposal
    7. Usual pitfalls when writing a proposal



Data Analysis for Presentation course

    • The theory and practice of presenting data in graphical form
    • The basic principles of economy, clarity, and integrity
    • Old types of graphs to avoid, new graph types: dot plot, scatterplot matrix, conditional plot
    • How to design effective graphs


Scientific Writing and Publishing course

Publishing and Open Access

  • Understanding the academic publishing industry
  •  Understanding the importance  of Open Access in publishing
  • Using pre-print repository services-AfricArxiv (more…)

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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

+254 020 808 6820
+254 020 2697401
+254 733 792316

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