Q&A with DAAD Fellow Joanne Adero : My TCC Training Experience

23 September 2019 Categories: latest news, News

What field of research are you involved in? 

Molecular Biology with specialization in Plant Virology.

How effective was the course in achieving your learning objectives?

This course has excellently empowered me with soft skills that will enable me navigation the frontiers of knowledge to get literature that I will use in my research.It has enhanced my writing skills that will greatly improve the quality of my research proposal, research thesis and publications that will result from and beyond my PhD studies. Presentation skills that will be used to present my research proposal, defend my final research thesis and any communication I will make.

The training has also broadened my knowledge on data analytical tools and how important quality of data is crucial. It has made it easier for me to continue learning the appropriate tools e.g. R, which is a very powerful tool of analysis. Additional software I encountered that will improve my publication quality include Mendely, plagiarism software, Ginger and grammarly, Harzings’s tool among others.

What did you like most about the training?

The facilitators were very informative having a wide knowledge base and they had interactive methods of training that kept most participants alert and involved. Focusing on the learning itself, the presentations and materials availed were very crucial in gaining hands on skills as well as acquiring variety of academic knowledge. 

Outline 3 things that you will take with you/have learnt in this session

Conceptualization of research

Literature review and its relevance

Good presentation and writing skills

R-data analysis skills

How do you hope to change your practice as a result of this training? I have leant the importance of publication and will therefore ensure that any data I generated will be of quality and published since I have been guided through the process of producing quality research right from proposal development to generation a quality of publication.

Please share other comments on the training session?

The training was extremely informative and very helpful in the whole session, and for that I applaud the organizers for delivering a good training.


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