Kenya Innovation Agency and Training Centre in Communication partner to support Researchers in investor readiness in the commercialization of their innovations.

06 May 2022 Categories: latest news, News

Nairobi, Kenya. Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa)   and the Kenya Innovation Agency (KENIA) today announced they will collaborate in addressing capacity support in training and creating investor readiness for researchers in the commercialization of their innovations.

This will be done through and not limited to working jointly in the Falling Walls Lab ,a global platform that brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary pool of students, researchers, and early-career professionals by providing an  opportunity for them to take part in a world-class pitch competition, networking forum.

Dr. Tonny Omwansa KENIA  CEO notes that, “building capacity for  researchers in the  creation of  investor readiness in the commercialization of their innovations, is  an  essential component  of  their  lifecycle and  this partnership will aid in achieving this objective.”

“As  TCC Africa will be hosting  Falling Walls Lab , Nairobi  , working with  KENIA  in  supporting researchers in the  commercialization of  their innovations, will be a  great step in supporting  early  career innovators, says  Ms. Joy Owango TCC  Africa  Executive Director and  adds ,”however  this goes beyond Falling Walls Lab  but includes continuously supporting innovators  who are keen on commercializing their  innovations.”

 More about Kenya  Innovation Agency

Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA) was established by an act of parliament of 2013, as a semi-autonomous government agency under the Ministry of Education.  The mission of the agency is ‘to develop and manage a dynamic national innovation system that facilitates taking ideas to the market’. The Vision is to be A key enabler of socio-economic development through innovation.

Working with partners, KeNIA strengthens interrelationships between actors in order to promote innovation and enterprise development out of research and ideas. From supporting the identification, recording and protection of innovative ideas to coordinating the establishment and implementation of appropriate policies, standards, processes, infrastructure, and partnerships to nurture the innovative ideas. The agency also works with partners to ensure appropriate prioritization, relevant capacity development, innovation recognition and publication of the same.

More about Training Centre in Communication

The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first African-based Training Centre that teaches scientists effective communication skills. TCC’s mission is to contribute to the increase in profile, locally, and internationally, of African science, and its impact on the life of Africans, by improving skills in technical communication in all forms, at academia and other relevant forums, in the African Countries.

TCC Africa  looks at  todays’ competitive academic environment  and scientists need to know  how to effectively communicate with their peers; beginning with coming up with a research idea, writing  the proposal to communicating it. Beyond this ,researchers and higher education stakeholders need to understand  the academic and innovation  landscape and the research lifecycle process and how it can make them competitive and generate revenue from their innovations.


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Training Centre in Communication

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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

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