• An African Platform for African Research 18 November 2021

    Interview with TCC Africa’s  Director , Joy Owango on our partnership  with AfricArxiv, Africa’s open access publishing platform  – listen in! .   “What is the plan for AfricArXiv? Increasing the visibility of African research,” says Joy Owango, founding director of TCC Africa, who also serves on the AfricArXiv board of directors. “We do not believe in reinventing the […]

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  • Kenyan Innovator Makes It To The Global Top 10 In Falling Walls Competition 01 November 2021

    We are excited to announce that Mr. Mutembei Kariuki, TCC Africa’s contestant at Falling Walls Nairobi 2020 will be in the #BerlinScienceWeek in Germany  from 1-10 November 2021.  Mr. Mutembei Kariuki’s Innovation on Breaking the Walls of  Artificial Intelligence was chosen among the Global Top 10 in the Emerging Talents Category in  Falling Walls Competition in the #BerlinScienceWeek in 2020, […]

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  • New Dawn for African Researchers as TCC Africa and AfricArXiv Announce Formal Collaboration 22 October 2021

    The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa), based at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and the pan-African Open Access portal AfricArXiv herewith announce our formal collaboration agreement with the objective of creating a long-term strategic and sustainable approach to building and managing an international scholarly community that will enrich the visibility of African research.

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  • My TCC Experience – Joyce Wangari Ngugi 04 October 2021

    Generation educationists and personal loss defined my passion for mental health awareness and women scholars’ excellence – Joyce Wangari Ngugi Wangari J. Ngugi is a Consultant Psychologist and Research Mentor. She is the Lead Research Mentor at Eider Africa, with a Certificate in Research Mentorship, where she is involved in the Design Team curating Research Mentorship […]

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  • A Round Table Discussion on African Perspectives on Peer Review 23 September 2021

    TCC Africa, AfricArXiv, Eider Africa, and PREreview hosted  a 90-minute long roundtable discussion, bringing African perspectives to the global conversation around this years’ Peer Review Week’s theme, “Identity in Peer Review”. Together with a multidisciplinary panel of African editors, reviewers and early-career researchers, they explored the shifting identities of researchers in the African continent, from the dominant perspective that sees them […]

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  • MY TCC Experience – Dr Alice Ojwang 15 September 2021

    How my postgraduate assignment led to the creation of the first Dietetics centre in Kenya Dr. Alice Achieng’ Ojwang is a nutritionist and dietician, and a lecturer at the Technical University of Kenya. She completed her PhD at the NorthWest University and Master’s Program in Nutrition and Dietetics at the Stellenbosch University in South Africa. […]

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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

+254 020 808 6820
+254 020 2697401
+254 733 792316

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