Dan Mungai

Dan Mungai is a data analysis enthusiast, passionate about anything that involves data. Data
management is his opium of choice. Dan Mungai is a trained Applied Aquatic scientist from
Egerton university and a holder of a master of science degree in Fisheries Management from
Kisii University and also a DAAD alumnus. Apart from formal education, he is also trained
virtually on data analysis and data handling. He is frequent contribute to online data science
platforms such as #tidytuesday, R4DataScience, #rstats and #tidymodels among others. He also a
member of NairobiR community, AfricaR, Rstudio Global among many others. Dan Mungai is
conversant with data and statistical analysis using statistical and programing software that
include R and Rstudio, Python SPSS among many other software. Data wrangling, data
visualization, data modelling, machine learning, text mining and artificial intelligence are his
skills in unearthing and elucidation of patterns and information from raw data. Dan Mungai is
also passionate about training all scientists from all walks of life to understand their data through
analyses. As an enthusiast trainer and data analyst Dan Mungai has assisted numerous students
pursuing their postgraduate courses in different fields to understand their data and derive
information from statistical analysis. Having a background in environmental and natural sciences
and experience working with data from different fields, Dan Mungai is able to handle every kind
of data and train analyses from all fields.

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University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

+254 020 808 6820
+254 020 2697401


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