Dr Penninah Musangi

Dr Musangi is currently the Head Librarian at Amref International University. She holds a PhD in Information Studies, a Masters in Library and Information studies as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Information sciences specializing in Information Technology.

She is a recipient of the coveted IFLA/OCLC Fellowship Award in the information and knowledge management field in 2016. Dr Musangi has been instrumental in the development and implementation of institutional repositories and open access (OA) policies in various universities in Kenya through an EIFL/Spider project 2015-2020.

The success of this project saw an increase in the number of institutions with institutional repositories rise from 13 in 2015 to 43 in 2021, as well as an increase in OA policies from 7 to 15. Dr Musangi’s research interests are aligned to open science practices evidenced by several articles published in the area. She is also involved in teaching in library schools course units around open access initiatives.

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