Where do I Publish My Manuscripts?

30 August 2019 Categories: latest news, News

One week  to the  Scientific Communication and  Publishing course http://www.tcc-africa.org/courses/  that  we  concluded   last month, we got a frantic message  from one of our trainees. “ I want to know where I can publish  my manuscripts!” I am so worried about  #predatorypublishing and  I do not know where to start,” he lamented.


Meet, Meshack Mulongo an early career  researcher in Education Administration from Karatina University, whose  research focus is on the Mitigation of  Examination Malpractices in Universities in Kenya.  He  drove  150kms  to  come and  attend our course and  further understand how he could protect himself  from predatory publishers  as he went through his  Journal Selection Process.
TCC: How effective was the course in achieving your learning objectives?
Meshack : The course was very effective and timely in my research work, that it has equipped me to be an effective researcher and plan to share what I have learnt.
TCC: What did you like most about the training?
Meshack : The diversity of presenters who are knowledgeable of their respective fields and also the communication and concern of the entire TCC team.
TCC: Outline 3 things that you will take with you/have learnt in this session
 Meshack:The hands on approach  in supporting us was valuable  and  it was done in such a way that we can further  train others. I loved  the units on data analysis and  I was able to identify  about 5 high impact  journals where I could publish my manuscripts .


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The Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) is the first award-winning African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists.


University of Nairobi, School of Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Gecaga Institute Building.

+254 020 808 6820
+254 020 2697401


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